CBD with less than 0.03% is federally legal;  however, Florida has its own set of laws and regulations concerning hemp products.  Be informed on your state’s laws concerning hemp and CBD products.  If you’re traveling within the United States, it may be wise to check state laws you’re traveling too.

CBD in Florida

Not much is known on hemp in Florida before World War I.  Hemp production was illegal after 1970 throughout the United States.  In 2014, patients were able to use low THC CBD for specific conditions as prescribed according to SB 1030. In 2016, this was expanded medical marijuana to low and high THC in CBD but still needs to be registered in the state program.

CBD Regulations

Florida’s SB 1020 aligned with the 2018 Federal Farm bill.  This made the purchase and possession CBD with 0.3% of THC legal within the state beginning in 2019.  Any hemp product that has more than 0.3% THC is considered illegal unless it meets the state’s medical marijuana regulations.  With a physician’s prescription, an individual can purchase up to four ounces of medical marijuana from a state-licensed dispensary. Another hemp product, Delta 8 with legal THC levels is legal in Florida.

CBD in Florida s is legal for purchase in state and online.  When searching for quality CBD products, 502 Hemp creates CBD products with organic industrial hemp.  If a product contains THC, there is no more than 0.03% of THC. Our CBD products are third party tested.  These reports let you know what is in and what is not in a CBD product.  With little regulations on CBD products, quality, and integrity is crucial for your success in using CBD products.  Learn more about 502 Hemp CBD products.