Just CBD Chocolate

A well-loved treat, chocolate can hold surprising health benefits.  Antioxidants, magnesium, copper, manganese can all be found in chocolate, especially dark chocolate.  Typically, it is fats and sugar added to chocolate that makes it healthy-ish.  In appropriate amounts, chocolate is that sweet we can afford to treat ourselves from time to time.  With CBD, chocolate may have added benefits.

CBD Chocolates

What is CBD Chocolate Good For?

  • Whether a daily dose or an added boost, it makes a delicious CBD dose.
  • CBD may help you relax.  An excellent after-dinner dessert!
  • THC in CBD could help with headaches, joint pain, or more.
  • Natural and quality ingredients make a luxurious CBD chocolate experience.

Hemp Infused Bourbon Balls 502 Hemp partners with local chocolatiers for the ultimate CBD chocolates.  We have creamy milk chocolates, dark chocolates, and chocolate caramels with our 502 Hemp CBD.  Being Kentucky proud, we had to keep the tradition alive with a twist. Check out our CBD Kentucky Bourbon Balls crafted from our local chocolatiers with our Kentucky proud CBD.