The Farm Bill was passed in 2018, and it included a provision that legalized hemp. This was big news for the hemp industry, which had been waiting for years for federal legalization. Here’s what you need to know about the Farm Bill and hemp.
The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp and removed it from the Controlled Substances Act
The 2018 Farm Bill was passed into law in December of 2018, and contained a groundbreaking provision related to hemp. The bill provided long overdue clarity: hemp, defined as Cannabis sativa with less than 0.3% THC content, would be removed from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). This made it legal to grow and process hemp products all across the United States, as long as they comply with state regulations. This sweeping legislative change had a monumental effect on US agriculture, creating growth potential for farmers in all 50 states. The new bill allowed individuals and businesses who previously grew hemp illegally to become legitimate, which caused an explosion in the industry’s job market. The provision also founded a legally recognized pathway for current and future entrepreneurs interested in producing hemp-derived products like paper and fabric–not to mention cannabidiol (CBD)–to create innovative hybrid businesses that sustainably employ alongside traditional agrarian jobs. Overall, it is clear that there are many benefits of legalization: increased consumer protection, improved job market opportunities for farmers nationwide, enhanced access to specialty consumer products derived from hemp plants, and much more. With these provisions now firmly established by law, it’s obvious that the future of US agriculture continues on a path of progress with hemp at its core.
Farmers who want to grow hemp must obtain a license from their state’s agriculture department
Farmers have long recognized the many benefits of growing hemp. This incredibly versatile crop has been used to create fabric, paper, and rope since ancient times and is now being explored for use in everything from plastics to nutritional supplements. In order to successfully plant and harvest a hemp crop, however, farmers must first obtain a license from their respective state’s Department of Agriculture. Each state has its own specific requirements farmers must adhere to in order to secure a license. For instance, some states have minimum acreage requirements while others may require that applicants fulfill additional criteria such as developing a business plan or obtaining valid liability insurance. Farmers must also pay a licensing fee and agree to abide by any applicable laws regarding the cultivation of hemp. Assuming all legal requirements are fulfilled, obtaining a license opens up exciting possibilities for creative entrepreneurs looking for cash-friendly crops with one-of-a-kind applications. Hemp farming can be an important source of income and should be considered by those looking for profitable alternatives to traditional crops like maize or soybeans. With the right license in hand, agricultural innovators are sure to enjoy success when it comes time to harvest their fascinating crop of hemp!
With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp is legal in all 50 states. This versatile plant can be used for a variety of purposes, from food to fuel to fiber. Farmers who want to grow hemp must obtain a license from their state’s agriculture department. If you’re interested in growing hemp, contact your local agriculture department for more information.