CBD is technically legal across the United States of America since the 2018 Federal Farm bill. Each state can set their own laws and regulations concerning CBD, hemp, and cannabis. Tennesse has a hemp rich history and CBD laws that could confuse consumers.
CBD in Tennessee
Hemp crops were first introduced to Tennessee in the 1840s by pioneer settlers. Due to rich farmlands and climate, hemp farming was ideal in Tennessee. The United States Navy attempted a rope factory near hemp farms in the hope to take advantage of the crop. Unfortunately, this project failed. By the 1870s hemp farming was widespread throughout Tennessee. Tennessee hemp production declined even though it was industrial hemp, low THC. It became illegal to produce hemp after World War II due to subsequent federal laws. Tennesse began hemp and cannabis research in 2015 with licensed farmers under strict regulations.
CBD Regulations
CBD is legal to sell, purchase, and possess in the State of Tennessee. Federal laws state that the THC content cannot be higher than 0.3% percent. Tennesse is unique in that 0.6% percent of THC is legal in CBD. This was fact-checked and found on two-state government websites. Two public laws, SB 2125 and Public Chapter No. 1083 clearly state that CBD in Tennessee can contain 0.6% of THC or less. However, due to federal laws, this is only legal in the state of Tennessee. By definition under federal laws, this amount outside of the state of Tennessee is illegal or in some states requires a special marijuana medical card. It is not recommended to travel over state lines with it, especially when encountering TSA according to their public statement.
Medical marijuana is not explicitly legal but steps have been made to decriminalize possession of marijuana. Special regulations in the state of Tennessee allow for CBD with 0.9% of THC to be used by licensed four year higher education entities for research.
When searching for quality CBD products, 502 Hemp creates CBD products with organic industrial hemp. If a product contains THC, there is no more than 0.03% of THC. This allows for our CBD and hemp products to be carried through most states for travel. Our CBD products are third-party tested with a Certificate of Analysis. These reports let you know what is in and what is not in a CBD product. Learn more about 502 Hemp CBD products.