Support local businesses in the Kentuckiana area. You just need your opinion of who and where are your favorite restaurants, bars, services, artists, and stores.  The LEO Weekly has their polls now open for the easiest votes you’ll make this year.  Just grab your phone, tablet, computer, and whatever electronic device you own.  Maybe your kid’s too.  Vote for your favorite local everything in the Leo Weekly until September 13th. This year the LEO Weekly has added unique categories that you don’t want to miss.

Why Should You Support

 Local Businesses?

  1. It supports you and your community.  Much of the spending and finances stay within your community.
  2. Creates and keeps jobs within your area.
  3. Celebrates and grow what makes your community unique!
  4. More environmental sustainability.  Less travel for goods, less impact on the environment.

How Can You Support 502 Hemp?

You blew us away last year as we became Leo Weekly Reader’s Choice Award winners! We are asking you to help us out again this year.  Cast your vote now at the Leo Weekly for 502 Hemp; plus, support local businesses, artists, and services too.

For 502 Hemp, please consider:

Like 502 Hemp? Say so in “Best place to buy CBD”

Love our delicious 502 Hemp CBD oil? Write it in “Best CBD Oil”

Follow our 502 Hemp Instagram? Vote us in “Best Instagram”

Benefit from our CBD education Center? Type 502 Hemp in “Best Blog”

How to Cast Your Vote

  1. Go to Reader’s Choice at the LEO Weekly.
  2. Make your opinion heard.
  3. Find another device you haven’t voted on.
  4. Go to Reader’s Choice at the LEO Weekly.
  5. Make your opinion heard again.
  6. Repeat until you have used every device you own with its own IP address.
  7. Share it with your friends. We mean click those share buttons below. So easy.

You may know 502 Hemp well, but get to know us and learn about 502 Hemp. We have your trusted quality CBD products and trusted 502 Hemp staff.

Thank you for your vote! Thank you for supporting local!