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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Hey, happy. Hesters uh, welcome back to the show today. We are talking about something that, um, might not be so fun. Uh, we got some, this was, this was, I kind of picked this one. Um, actually, yeah, we both kind of picked this one. This is just something, a topic that needs to be talked about. Even if we may hurt some feelings today, what do you think, Matt?
Yeah, it needs to be covered <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
So today we’re talking about the impact of e-cigarettes on the lungs, you know, those lungs, those things that help us breathe and give us life and all that important stuff. And just so everybody knows, I am a former smoker of cigarettes, worst things ever, probably made put on this planet, at least as far as all the carcinogens are concerned and all the additives that they added to the cigarettes to make them more addicting. Um, I finally stopped smoking back in 2014 and have not touched a cigarette since and never plan to again for the rest of my life. Um, and that also leads me into the whole vaping and e-cigarettes um, I never did it. I had a I’ve charted a couple times. Just didn’t want that habit back. So I never, never partook in that. Um, but we need to talk about it. It’s something important people’s lungs, you know, your lungs are important. You need your lungs, they don’t grow on trees. So yeah. And off we go, what do you think, Matt?
So, you know, when you get into vaping, there’s a lot of different, I guess you have to kind of define vaping because there’s there, there’s tons of different vapes now there’s DS there’s pens. Um, there’s these new, crazy B things that I actually see people hitting in their cars, uh, and it looks fucking ridiculous. Um, and, uh, you know, there is the nicotine aspect of it, uh, the tobacco derivative aspect of it, and then there’s all the other vapes which would include CBD and cannabis. So when you’re talking about vaping, you really wanna break it down. Um, obviously there’s concerns of, of, of nicotine. And just to kind of get that in and out, nicotine is one of the most ex uh, uh, addicting substances on the planet, no matter how you ingest it, and if you use it, you will become addicted. Um, and it will cause withdrawal symptoms and all kind of issues.
Dee Dee:
Oh, the withdrawal symptoms are horrible, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative>
And, um, there’s nothing worse than having to detox off of an addictive substance. Um, it is federally legal. Um, it, I have no idea why something so addictive and so dangerous, uh, would be federally, oh, wait, I do money. Um,
Dee Dee:
I was about to say what
<laugh>, uh, so if you wanna help rich people get richer and put your own health at risk, uh, keep, uh, vaping, those Nick vapes or whatever. Um, but then you get into the C, B, D and canvas aspect of it. And I think that that’s more our wheelhouse of course. Um, and a lot of people think that because it’s, uh, there’s no nicotine it’s okay. Uh, but it’s really not. So
Dee Dee:
Unfortunately we had to break the bad news to y’all. Vaping is not good for you in any sense in any form, not cannabis, not CBD, none of it. It’s not good for you, our opinions. Right.
But it’s, well, it’s not, it’s actually, that’s actually fact I know. Um, and you know, here’s why, uh, we, we, we’ve, there’s a couple articles that we put in the show notes and, and if you’re currently vaping or if you’re interested in vaping, I highly recommend you read them. Uh, I won’t get too deep into that, but I will tell you that, um, every vape currently on the market is gonna contain a chemical called propylene glyco.
Dee Dee:
Not every
Really. Yeah. Okay. What’s the sub substitute,
Dee Dee:
Not, um, uh, at least currently it’s just a dist distillate in terpenes. Oh,
Dee Dee:
So a lot of, I know, yeah. A lot of them have pulled that propylene glyco, cuz it is very bad for you. Right. That’s some of them had stated about the whole popcorn lung and you know, there’s about what 3000 people that ended up in the hospital and that was over a different substance too. But I think they’ve known that proppy and glyco is not the best thing to vape. It’s a thinner
Right. But pretty, I would say every vape I’ve looked at, I would check propalene Lyco mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, in, in the ingredients. Um, and Prolene Lyco is, is propylene being in there, it’s an inorganic product. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, uh, it is a derivative of petroleum that you’re putting into your lungs. Um, and it has serious health, uh, side effects. That being said, it’s also used in other, um, medical, um, things and, and foods, uh, that the FDA has approved, which is crazy to me. Um,
Dee Dee:
The FDA approves, all kinds of things that shouldn’t be approved and yet cannabis is still, you know, right.
So you wanna avoid Prolene Lyco um, and then you get into, indeed, I’ll let you speak to this. Then you get into vapes that have other chemicals outside. So you get you you’ve right off the bat. You most likely have Prolene Lyco. There is, uh, you know, as, as de stated other Prolene glyco free vapes out there, I personally have never seen one. So that’s how, and I’m in the industry. So that’s how often that you’re gonna see that currently currently. Um, and then beyond that you have a whole slew of other chemicals in those CBD and cannabis vapes that are dangerous. So tell us about that Titi.
Dee Dee:
Well, I think take it back a few years. I mean, vaping’s relatively new. It’s only been really, really on the market for about 10, 10, 15 years, max, I think, um, when they started, you know, trying to get people to quit smoking. So this was the best alternative, right. Is to have the liquid where it’s vape and not a cigarette. You’re still getting the nicotine that people wanted to try to help them quit. And you know, the whole step down and it was touted as the best way to quit smoking. Um, but then, you know, what they were using in those products, um, like the proppy and black hole later on, you learn that that’s not good. And then I think it was about in what 20 18, 20 19, there was an outbreak. Um, a lot of people ended up really hurt from, um, vitamin E acetate that was being used as a, as a, uh, thinner in vaping products and specifically in cannabis vaping products.
Dee Dee:
And a lot, a lot of people got hurt by that. And a lot of those that were selling those vapes were doing it underground. They were just taking their, you know, THC dist distillate and mixing it with that thinner, um, to make it smokeable because a lot of those dist distillates are pretty thick and it’s hard to get them out of the vape pro you know, the, the actual vape cartridge. Um, so that was causing a lot of problems. Now, most stuff on the market. If you find a legit source, they’re not using that stuff. And that is, you gotta have a good source. If you’re going to do the babes, you gotta know your source and you gotta know what’s in your cartridges. That’s super important. Most cannabis products now from legit sources and even C B D, they are using the dis distillate, which is the extraction, and they’re using terpenes to flavor them.
Dee Dee:
Now we all know terpenes. Some of them aren’t don’t taste so well, they have great names, but I wouldn’t say they actually taste like fruit pebbles. Um, although I wouldn’t know, cause I don’t vape, but at the same time that, you know, people do say that, I think, I think it’s important if you’re coin to vape, check your sources, make sure that, you know, they’re not putting using Prolene glyco and definitely not the vitamin E acetate, cuz that stuff is really, really dangerous for your lungs. I mean it causes emphysema, it causes asthma, it causes, um, I’ve even heard of people dying from that. So that is ex something extremely you gotta be careful about. Um, and I mean, I get it. It’s something people like it has increased in popularity among kids, which is awful. I remember when, uh, Morgan came home with her vape when she was 16 and I thought I was going to lose my mind.
Dee Dee:
I was so upset that she had this, but of course it was the hot, you know, the cool thing to do. And I get it. I mean, I remember being that age and you wanted to fit in, but it, it just, it infuriated me cuz I knew, well, I didn’t want her to damage her lungs. Like I had already done with just smoking regular cigarettes. So I think it it’s kids definitely do not need to be vaping. Um, their lungs are so impressionable, it’s just, it’s scary and it’s sad and hopefully we can kind of stop that. Um, now, I mean I hate to be distant on the vape industry and I really don’t want to do that. I get, most of them have good intentions, um, because of the stop smoking, but you just gotta be careful. You gotta be so careful. You gotta know what product you’re using you do.
Well, I don’t know. I agree. Uh, but I also don’t know that there is a safe vape product out there. And, and just to dig one step further on what, what, what you were stating de de um, the condition that is caused by vaping, uh, has been now been given its own name because it’s, it’s so frequent, it’s called EAL and how
Dee Dee:
You pronounce it,
Uh, or EAL <laugh>. And it’s an acronym for e-cigarettes and vaping associated lung injury. And essentially it’s that popcorn lung scarring of the lung tissues mm-hmm <affirmative> and cell death, uh, which is occur, which occurs, uh, from Prolene Lyco Prolene Lyco is directly, uh, associated with, with cell death. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, which is just exactly what it says, uh, your cells come in contact with it, they die. Uh, so I guess to turn the table on that, why, why would someone choose to vape? Why would someone to ch choose to vape CBD and cannabis? Uh, there’s a couple different reasons. One obviously is as data DD already stated, people think it’s safer. It’s it’s not. Um, and, and I do wanna get your opinion on before this is all said and done on smoking versus vaping. Cuz I think that that’s a hot, fun subject. Um, but uh, beyond that, um, we do have, uh, customers, uh, followers and friends who choose to vape CBD and cannabis, um, because they, the CBD vaping and smoking are the two fastest ways to get that chemical into your body and get it working. Um, and that, that is true. That is 100% true.
Dee Dee:
The CBD chemical and THC chemical, correct?
Correct. Correct. And, and nicotine. And if we’re gonna throw that in there. Yeah. Um, and there are needs for that, uh, with people who have certain conditions that need that immediate release, uh, including PTSD mm-hmm <affirmative> and other disorders where, um, when that issue, uh, unveils itself, the need for release is immediate. Um, so is there a solution for that currently? I don’t know.
Dee Dee:
Oh, I don’t know either. I mean, honestly personally I think just smoking the plant is the best form, you know, just smoking the flour. If you’re gonna get into cannabis, just smoke the flour. But in the state of Kentucky, we cannot sell he flour. We cannot, we obviously don’t have medical yet. I think there’s a couple days left in the session. Um, even that for the new bill, they took out flour and put vaporizing in there, which I was absolutely floored by because there’s all these laws coming to terms, trying to eliminate vaping and then they want to vape. So it, it made no sense to me at all. If you’re going to allow medical, just allow the natural flower, the plant, but that’s kind of the issue here in Kentucky. People have to turn to vapes because they can’t just smoke the flower, even the hemp flour.
Dee Dee:
So it, if you’re gonna smoke, I say you smoke it in the most natural form that it comes in. I think that will ease up some of those concerns. I mean, but every time you’re putting a hot substance that is heated up, whether it is the flour or the e-cigarettes or any of that, I mean it releases dangerous chemicals. There’s no question about it. I think me personally, I prefer edibles. I think edibles are where it’s at. I like the oil, the tinkers, that, that is what is safer period. Those forms of those products are safer. Um, it, I think it has a lot to do with how society feels about flour and what it smells like. Um, and the fact that they can’t distinguish between marijuana and hemp because it, you know, it’s the same plant people. Um, I think that has something to do with it. So, you know, police officers have a hard time knowing whether it’s temp or whether it’s marijuana. And if they do a field test on the hemp flour, it’s gonna say it’s got THD in it, which it does, but until they do actual testing to know what the percentage is, they won’t know that it’s only hemp. So I think there’s that whole issue. I feel like if we would just break down those barriers and allow it to be federally legal, a lot of other issues would, um, come to light and come to an end.
Right. And I agree, uh, the smoking is completely unhealthy. Uh, anytime you are, you know, American lung association has made it very clear. Mm-hmm <affirmative> anytime you are inhaling, smoke into your lungs, it doesn’t matter if it’s nicotine, you know, tobacco cannabis, or a house fire. Uh, you are doing damage to your lungs. You are inhaling carcinogens, you are inhaling tar, uh, the cannabis flowers, particularly high in tar, um, that will cause damage to your lungs. However, uh, if I were given the choice, uh, can you smoke something natural that came from the ground? Or can you vape something filled with chemicals, including inorganic chemicals, potentially pesticides, um, potentially, uh, acetate. Uh, I think I would go with this plant that grew out of the ground, same. Um, but I wouldn’t choose either. And, and, and just to speak to what we were talking about earlier, a lot of people think that they needed that, that immediate release because we live in a society of immediate response where it has to be. Now you have to get that immediate gratification. You can’t wait, you can’t be patient. Um, and there’s something to be spoken to about that. Uh, if you can’t wait 45 minutes for, you know, a nano derived edible to kick in, then maybe you should reassess your life. <laugh> um, if you, if you have a,
Dee Dee:
I’m gonna giggle cuz you know, <laugh>,
I mean maybe if, if, if, if you have a stress disorder where you need that immediate release, speaking from someone who has struggled with a stress disorder, I will tell you, your body will give you cues when that disorder’s going to kick in, uh, just like a, a tell and a and a poker game. Um, and I’m not a I’m, I’m not a psychiatrist, psychologist or anything like that. But just from my experience, I will tell you if you really pay attention, your body will tell you when you’re going to have an episode. And when you’re, when your body’s telling you that it’s usually too late, there there’s really nothing you can do to stop it. Um, and you can choose to remove yourself, isolate yourself, whatever you need to do to be in a safe place. And you can choose to take that edible. Or if you have to absolutely have that immediate release, say something triggered you, that you weren’t anticipating and you’re stuck and you’re in a spot where you can’t remove yourself, um, use that vape sparingly, use it as needed. Um, and you might, I
Dee Dee:
Think that’s key.
Yeah, you might be happier. So mm-hmm, <affirmative> I, I have it, um, but have an alternative too, because the more you can use that alternative say edibles mm-hmm <affirmative>, uh, which I’ve, they’re fantastic. The tinctures are fantastic.
Dee Dee:
Um, and I tell you what I wish I would’ve had the CBD products when I was, um, withdrawing from nicotine and cigarettes that right. I tell you what I was a capital B bitch for three good weeks. When I quit smoking, it was awful. The mood swings, oh man. Not being able to sleep. I mean, even having night sweats and tear, like it was, it was crazy. I never realized how addicting they are and I had quit before and I’d started again, you know, and that had kind of been my game for a while. And finally, I just went through it and I did cold Turkey, but I also did use the Nicorette gum by the way. I used that for a little bit. Um, it did help for a little while and then I don’t do that all the time either. So I made sure I didn’t get addicted to Ette gum.
Dee Dee:
Um, but it’s tough. I mean, I grew up in a family, they all smoked. We, they, everybody smoked while I, when I was growing up, everyone, everyone. And it was just natural, even though I lost an aunt to lung cancer. So tough knowing that that could have caused all of that. She also, um, she lived near, um, it was Armco at the time of Middletown, Ohio. So lots of radar on, in that area, lots of, uh, lung issues in Butler county, Ohio. Um, but at the same time, I was like, damn, I’m not smart enough to not to <laugh>. I should have known not to start smoking. I mean, you know it, but it happens, you know, you you’re in with the family and the crowd and you keep doing it. And luckily, most of my family have all quit, which I’m happy to say.
Dee Dee:
And the younger generations, most of them did not pick it up. Thank goodness. Um, my daughter did for a while there. Um, I was very upset with that. She watched me withdrawal from that and I never understood why she started smoking, but I think when you’re young, um, we all do stupid things. Sometimes we don’t think about the consequences later on in life. And even with cannabis products, we have to think about that. Um, you’re using them. If you are using cannabis, medical, marijuana, and CBD as a health supplement, whatever you wanna call it, make the best choices. If you’re doing it for your health, make the best choices. I just think that, um, smoking is not the best choice. Sorry, hated to burst your bubble on this episode folks, but I think there’s just better choices to make than, um, vaping and smoking in general.
Well, and that’s the thing too, cuz it’s your choice. It is, uh, you, you make the decision as an individual, uh, how you wanna live your life. And uh, I, I do think that people should have the freedom to vape. We sell vapes at our, at our store. We do, we got our Kentucky, uh, license, which was super fun and awesome. Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, to be able to do that because uh, people need it. And, and do I, do I think that there is a place for that immediate release. Yes. And, and, and you know, why agreed? Um, because it’s the same to me. It, that that is the same as an inhaler mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and actually a lot of the chemicals that you see in, in the better vapes are, are similar to the chemicals that you’re gonna see an inhaler, um, that provide that immediate relief.
Uh, but I don’t think that that immediate relief is something that needs to be done every day. Uh, no matter who you are. And I don’t think that, uh, unless you just have a, a, a, a major problem that you’re working through and if you do, I’m sorry, and I hope that you get help, but you, you need to think about what’s best for you. And you need to think of an, an individual as an individual and not what’s pop what’s popular. And actually one thing that I did forget to bring up, because nobody thinks about COVID anymore. Mm. Thank God. Um,
Dee Dee:
Some do
<laugh> some do. Yeah. I still see some, I, I see like one in 20 mass now, while C B D some studies shown showed that it potentially did help, uh, with, uh, the effects of COVID vaping actually increased the likelihood of a C contamination. Um, because you take the vape, you put it down, it touches other things that are potentially contaminated. And the fact that you are constantly putting it in and out of your mouth after it’s, it touches other surfaces. I
Dee Dee:
Didn’t really think
About that and potentially shared. So, yeah. So when, when you think on that, um, it does increase not just your chance of COVID, but anytime you’re putting something in your mouth that has touched other surfaces, um, you, you know, you are whatever’s on that surface is going into your mouth.
Dee Dee:
Well, and, and C’s a lung issue too, correct? I mean, so if you’re already smoking, you’ve already damaged your lungs and then you’re, um, COVID I mean, and who knows, I mean, all that stuff is still new too. So even the studies on that stuff is, is crazy, but I mean, it’s a lung issue. You just, you know, you could be careful of that stuff. So, ah, yeah.
All right.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> sorry for the, um, not so happy podcast
Today. No, that it, it, that it, it doesn’t to be done. Right. And it, and it doesn’t have to be an unhappy thing, because if you are vaping, you can make the decision to stop. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, you can change your life every day. And, um, if you need to vape, we’re not going to judge you. No.
Dee Dee:
Um, and that’s why we have the products too, right?
You need to, you just need to be aware of the risks and, and be willing to accept that risk and say right now, the, the issues that I’m choosing to treat, uh, even if it’s recreational, uh, with this vape, it outweighs the, the health, uh, consequences mm-hmm <affirmative>, and that may be the case. Uh, and it may not. Uh, but if you are aware, you can make the decision, you can make the difference and you can choose how to live your life. And, and, and that’s what, that’s what we’re all about.
Dee Dee:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we appreciate you all listening. Make sure you leave comments. Um, if you have more questions, feel free to reach out to us. We appreciate all our listeners and, uh, we’ll catch you on the flip side. Happy hamsters,
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
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And keep it. He out there.