Side Effects of Statins
A lively discussion about the underdisussed side effects of Statins. Miracle drug or supplier of satanic side effects? Listen in and you be the judge.
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Hi, I’m Matt,
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about him and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hempin’ Happiness with the Hemp Queen
And Emperor
Side Effects of Statins
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we enter into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, happy hamsters. Uh, welcome back to the podcast. It’s, uh, been a little while since we’ve done a podcast, so we appreciate you hanging in there and being patient with us. We have been just a little busy and I was sick for a good three weeks and I still feel like my voice sounds like a frog. So I apologize for that in advance, but kind of can’t help it. We’re gonna be talking about some cool stuff today. Lots of different things. We got a couple little things that we were wanting to get in this episode. We’re, uh, coming at you from 812 Hemp in Clarksville, Indiana. That is our second store location and super happy to have it up and running and getting out there and meet people. We had a very successful grand opening event. Tons of people were here. There was so many people here. I don’t even know that I got to meet all of them or thank all of them for being here. It was pretty cool. Very well received in the community, so very happy about that. Look forward to meeting more people from Indiana and, um, watching and growing 812 Hemp here. So thank you so much. Pass it along that we are here and open and we are your cannabis connection, <laugh>. But today we’re gonna start with statins. And do you know what a statin is, Matt?
I do not. You don’t. I know what Staten Island is. Yeah, it’s definitely because I’m a native island, new England or, and my,
Dee Dee:
It’s definitely not Staten Island.
Oh, okay. Well, tell me. I
Dee Dee:
Mean, maybe I’m pronouncing it wrong, but
Statins looks very close to the word Satan. It does <laugh>. How could it be? Satan’s?
Dee Dee:
Remember the church lady from Saturday Night Live? Could it be Satan?
Dee Dee:
These kind of do sound like Satan for you. It’s
Nots not just clever spelling.
Dee Dee:
It’s not, but
Educate us on statin.
Dee Dee:
So statins, they’re this medication that seems to be handed out like candy too. If your cholesterol is over, what 200 they wanna get you on this medication. They tried it with me and I was like hell to the no. And the reason being, at least in my opinion, and again, I’m not a medical professional and you can argue with me all you want don’t care. Um, it, your cholesterol is like your blood pressure. It ebbs and flows. Right. Now granted, if you have constant high blood pressure, that’s one thing. If you have a constant high cholesterol, that’s one thing. But I do believe that our cholesterol is based on a lot of what we eat, what we put into our bodies. I think it can ebb and flow. Now, if you’re eating shit all the time and you’re not taking care of yourself and you’re eating a lot of processed foods, of course you’re gonna have high cholesterol. That’s stuff. Our body doesn’t break it down very well. But for the most part, if you eat a relatively healthy diet, your cholesterol should be relatively good. Now there are, there is hereditary. Okay. There is. And I was gonna get to that. I know, I know. I’m just,
I mean, I’m asking, I don’t know. I don’t
Dee Dee:
Know. I know there is hereditary thing there with high cholesterol too, that that does exist. Um, and that does seem to put people at a much higher risk for heart disease. And heart disease is a huge thing, especially for women because mo some women have heart disease and they don’t realize they have it. Cuz we are less likely to take care of ourselves. We always take care of everyone else first. That’s just how it is. That’s just how it’s always
Been. They say the same thing about men.
Dee Dee:
No, they don’t.
Dee Dee:
Maybe about heart disease, but not about you guys taking care of everybody else first.
Moving along
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. I don’t, I don’t, I’ve never heard that <laugh>. I’ve never heard that. Um, now you guys are, you
Guys are, well, 10 reasons why men die younger than women.
Dee Dee:
Well, and you guys are even worse about going to the doctor though and taking care of yourselves. I will say yes on that one. Um, it’s like an act of God to get men to go to the doctors, right? I’m, I’m, I’m not wrong on that one. I mean, but I’m really, I’m really bad about it. <laugh> cuz I truly believe you can about cure anything with cannabis in your diet. <laugh>. So, I mean, and a good chiropractor. Um, but those are, those are my three things. And exercising. I think that’s important too.
So there, there’s high density, low lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins are, are you gonna get into all
Dee Dee:
That? Hell no. That’s way over my
Head. Do you know what the difference is between the two? Not
Dee Dee:
Really. Do you?
I know one’s good and one’s bad. I do know <laugh>. I don’t know which is which
Dee Dee:
I know that
As well because I always ask whenever I get blood work done mm-hmm. <affirmative> and they’re like, and I have always had like really low br blood pressure and really low cholesterol. So they’re like, it doesn’t matter. You’re fine. You’re fine. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I’ve never explored it, but I have had employees, friends and, and family members that have been like in a bad way.
Dee Dee:
I have to, uh,
With, uh, with cholesterol. So I should pay more attention to it
Dee Dee:
For the people around me. And it, it probably is something, I mean that we all should pay attention to. But what I, what I found funny, and I’ll just use my, myself and my husband as an example, his was 300 and something. They didn’t even wanna put him on anything. Mine was 210, like 10 points over. They wanted to put me on something. So I’m like, no, no, I will just change my diet. Um, so I still need go back and get that retested, but I just, uh, I’m like 10 points and he’s up at 300. Are you kidding me? No, his is better now, but they didn’t put ’em anything. I mean it’s, I truly believe it’s about your diet. Hmm. And he’s changed his diet quite well, which is good. It helps me too with mine. When we both eat better, usually that happens.
That’s true. That’s true of any relationship. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean that, that, that’s what, when out whenever I see a couple and one of ’em like I’m gonna give fit mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the other one’s like, I don’t care. I’m like, no you’re not. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because, uh, if you don’t have that support at home Yeah. And the other person’s on the couch eating, you know,
Dee Dee:
Bon Bons or <laugh> bon bons and our
Chips, you know, the snowballs and, you know, eating chips junk and drinking soda. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That’s, that’s it is, that’s too much. It is. That’s the same thing when I hear people, I’m gonna quit smoking, but you know that
Dee Dee:
My spouse still smokes. Yeah. No, it’s impossible. No.
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can’t have that in the house.
Dee Dee:
No, you really
Can’t. And be like, oh no, no. That’s for you. That’s for you.
Dee Dee:
Yep. Now I’m, I’m pretty good about going to the grocery and trying to buy healthy foods. And he is really good about promoting eating fruits and vegetables as our snack. Because if I want a snack at night, I will turn to something that, oh, I mean, not bad though. Usually nuts, but I’ll eat too many. You know what I mean? So I like, I like cashews and peanuts where I know that’s, it’s a good fat, but it’s still kind of fatty.
Yeah. I don’t even know that that’s necessarily good fat when you’re just getting into straight fat. I mean fat is fat. It is. Because, you know,
Dee Dee:
And calories too, there’s a lot of calories and nuts
For people who follow macronutrients. Mm-hmm. The, the macronutrients, it doesn’t Oh, good fat, bad fat. It all goes to the same one fat bucket. You have three buckets. That’s the, that’s the one thing I like about the, the macros. The macro philosophy is it’s, it’s free things.
Dee Dee:
And I’ve not studied that nearly enough. Yeah. Because I’ve, I
Don’t fat, fat, carbs and protein,
Dee Dee:
I mean, I know
Those are the three
Dee Dee:
Low protein. There’s nothing else. High protein, low fat to an extent. Low, low, um,
Dee Dee:
Low carbs. But I have noticed if I tried to truly cut carbs out, it is impossible. And I do not lose weight. I
Don’t, I don’t know that there’s, it’s not, it’s healthy to cut carbs out. I think it’s a regulation of carbs. Because the, the thing is, is is we live in a society where everything we eat is car rich. Right. And we don’t realize it until, until we look at it. And that’s what like the apps and stuff that I use and I mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I follow, especially when I’m trying to do something with my body. You, it is eye-opening. How much carbs as Americans we consume.
Dee Dee:
We definitely do.
It’s a lot. And I didn’t realize it. And, and really we do a, we do a good amount of protein, but you’re not getting as much protein in your diet as you think you are. And
Dee Dee:
It’s so hard. Like, as much protein as I’m supposed to get, I’m like, oh my God, I feel like I would be eating literally all day. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it’s funny because I’m not a big eater. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’d be surprised by that. I know. Cuz I got a little junk in my trunk, but I’m not that big of an eater. Like, you know what I mean? So when I, even when I had my lap band and had all that stuff done and how much I was supposed, and I’m like, oh my, oh gosh, how am I supposed to eat all this shit? So I have to, I have to watch that. That’s my big thing. I’m, I’m really, really bad about waiting until three o’clock and then I’m famished and I’m, you know what I mean? And hopefully I have a meal prepared cuz if not, then I’m in big trouble. Um, but that’s this, I’m, we’re getting off topic, which is what we do. It happens, but it’s
Still, we haven’t talked about when you get the munchies yet. And then we just shovel food.
Dee Dee:
Know what, into your face indiscriminately and be like, did that have a hair in it? Fuck it, I’m eating it.
Dee Dee:
I’m gonna tell you a little secret though. Whenever I do my products, I just do it and then go to bed because if not, then I will sit up and get the damn munchies. And that to me is not always a good thing. I don’t want to have the munchies all the time because I don’t want to put extra weight on me. That is not needed.
You know what though? I’ve been taking that DZD nine mm-hmm. <affirmative> with the mix of the 15 and the five milligram, the
Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that THCV does help curb your munch. Does it It does. You think? Really? Yeah, it’s legit. Okay. It’s legit. And I know because I get bad munchies Mm. Like bad. So for me to say that I, you know, that, that, that’s like the Ron Swanson guarantee. <laugh>, you know, for, for for
Dee Dee:
Go lie. I’ve not tried that one yet.
What was the ceo, what was that show? With Parks and Rec
Dee Dee:
Kinda, while we were going into that? There was an article published in, um, project cbd.org and they have a lot of really good articles. I read a lot of their stuff that they publish. They just, they had, they cite their sources. They, um, they do a really good job of, of just articles that are relevant to what’s going on in today’s society and some of the things that they talk about with the CBD and our endocannabinoid system. And this article that I am referring to about the statins, it, um, they talk about how it dis deregulates the endocannabinoid system. I think that’s not deregulate, but Disregulate
Dee Dee:
Disregulate. That is a, that’s
Dee Dee:
A weird
Word. That is quite a word. I don’t know if that’s a real word.
Dee Dee:
I’m sure it’s a real word.
Last a second.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, no, that would be weird. But it, what I found the craziest thing in this article, and to back up just a little bit about 6, 7, 8 years ago, I met one of the doctors that helped push the statin medications through the FDA and the research and all this. And he told me his own words was that it was one of the worst drugs that could have been passed in America. And the reason for this, he said, was because what it did is it created so many side effects that people needed other medications because of the statin medication. And he said it created this, um, this pill mill of people for people. And it’s hitting a lot of the older generations because that’s when your cholesterol all supposedly starts going up more the older you get. And, you know, they wouldn’t put me on it. And I’m like, hell no, I’m not even 50 yet.
Forget it. And it just, he said it caused a lot of side effects. And I start, when I started looking into that, I was like, um, yeah, that makes sense because it seems like just about every older person that I know of or that comes in our store and they, you know, will ask ’em about what meds they’re on and things like that. And they, when they say they’re on a statin medication, I’m just like, oh, are you also taking this? Are you also taking that? And they’re like, yeah. And I’m like, yeah. And like, I can’t really give him, I mean obviously we don’t give him medical advice or anything like that, but it just, it everything that he told me, I have seen that out of other people using statin medications.
So what are the side effects?
Dee Dee:
Um, oh gosh. Pain in your joints is a big one. Like a really big one. Um, and, and it, that’s probably the biggest one. Like, people talk a lot about, uh, the pain that they have just throughout their whole body where they think it’s more like a, the fibromyalgia pain, which we’ve talked about that mm-hmm. <affirmative>, a lot of times people didn’t have these issues or symptoms, didn’t have joint pain and stuff like that until after they started taking the statins. And in this article it talks about it. So I was like, okay, well at least I know this isn’t j wasn’t just in my head because I kind of put two and two together a long time ago, especially after I talked to that doctor. That’s why I kind of refused to get on statins. Like no. Um, but this article talks about, obviously, you know, heart disease is a leading cause of death and pe some people do need the help controlling the cholesterol in order to avoid some of the heart disease. But at the same time, some of these drugs, it talked about how they caused the mu the muscle weakness and myopathy in patients. And they, the doctors used to think that that was psychosomatic. That, that that wasn’t, you know, people are just thinking that in their head that that’s what this was causing. But according to this research, the reason why is that the statin medications deplete cannabinoid receptor function. How fucking crazy is that?
That is crazy.
Dee Dee:
So, and it makes so much sense. So when people want to take, um, or when they are taking statins, I mean, that’s the one things we ask about because most statin medications go through the same enzyme in the liver that CBD does. So you never wanna take them together. But then to read that statins can actually <laugh> deplete your cannabinoid receptor function. I was like, holy shit. Back
Then. Are those, are those endo cannabinoids
Dee Dee:
Or, um, well it says cannabinoids, but Yeah, I mean, it would be your endo cannabinoid system in general.
Right. But it would deplete the end, the naturally occurring cannabinoids, not, not the introduced cannabinoid.
Dee Dee:
Uh, it didn’t say about whether it was introduced or natural. It did not say that. Or at least not that I remember in the article, but it talks about the endocannabinoid system. So I would think possibly if it’s just, if, if it is the natural cannabinoids that it is, um, messing with mm-hmm. <affirmative> when you reintroduce the CBD products and put those back in your diet, I would be curious to see if it does actually help more Hmm. That I, that I would be curious because most of our customers, I mean from an anecdotal evidence, yes, it’s helped, right? Yeah. It’s made a big difference. Especially the ones that are on statin medications. So that was one of the things that I thought was crazy about this article. And they talked about like, um, all the tests that they did, excessive endocannabinoid activity is associated with pathological conditions such as type two diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunctions. So excessive endocannabinoid activity. Well, what the hell do they mean by that? Right.
Well that I, I would interpret that, and I’m guessing, but I would interpret that as your, your body pushing to, uh, replace the cannabinoids that it’s being robbed of mm-hmm. <affirmative> in the endocannabinoid system. So
Dee Dee:
Right. Naturally
Is li Yes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Well, well that’s what endocannabinoids are the ones that are naturally
Dee Dee:
Produced. Right. Right.
Dee Dee:
Um, I mean it just, there is so much about this article that I was just like, okay, we need to at least talk about this because it’s just insane. But yes, so it says those medications sta medications affects enzymes in the endo,
endocannabinoid, idiom,
Idiom. Oh, look at that. Man. I have such a hard time pronouncing words. I always have. Um,
It’s all right. I have a hard time spelling ’em. I
Dee Dee:
Know you do. I can spell, but I can’t pronounce the expand. And they call that the expanded cannabinoid system. Incom compassing several, um, endogenous Yeah. Endogenous fatty acid compounds in addition to the An
Dee Dee:
Yeah, anandamide. There you
Go. Which is what th h c attempts to replicate.
Dee Dee:
Right. And it says that the statins medications act actually alters genes involved in regulating the cannabinoid receptors. I’m not a doctor, I can’t get medical vice, but I thought that was truly interesting.
If your body’s being ro robbed of anandamide, then you’re most likely gonna experience
Dee Dee:
Depression. All kinds of different things. Yeah.
Uh, enhanced pain. Right. Even though the pain is the same. Yep. You’re probably gonna feel it more. Yeah. Because, because your, your, your body has a anandamide deficiency,
Dee Dee:
So then they get you to the pain clinic. Right. See how that all like comes about
And Well, you know, a as fascinating as these, the, the statins are, uh, it’s not a, it’s, it’s not unique. It’s unique in, in the, in that this is the first medication I’ve heard of where there’s direct evidence that it affects your endocannabinoid system and, and your body’s ability to react with, uh, cannabinoids. Right. And, and endocannabinoids, just to clarify, but, uh, this is as far from the first time I’ve, I’ve heard stories and this is, and using myself as a personal example, where you have to take multiple medications and some sort of bizarre pyramid to offset the side effects from one medication that you’re taking for one symptom, which there may be alternatives, including lifestyle changes. Yes. That would require you to not have to take those medications any longer. And well that one medication, which then would, you know, uh, devalue or denote the, the other medications
Dee Dee:
Others. Right.
Dee Dee:
So I just, I thought that was kind of crazy. And it, and I swear it makes sense just being in this industry as long as I’ve been in it and you know what my customers tell us. It just, it makes sense. And I’ve always, when that doctor told me that and he helped push it through, I’ve just always been like, mm-hmm. You ain’t getting me on that stuff. I will get back to my fruits and vegetables.
Well, and you have the right philosophy because you have a wellness minded Right. Philosophy. But unfortunately, as much as we wanna wave the, uh, finger at big pharma, it’s our fault as a society. I agree. It’s our fault as a culture because we eat excessively. Yes. We drink excessively. Yes. We have no con consideration for our health. We work all the time and then we go to the doctor and say, fix me. Right. And the doctor doctors are sick of saying, get exercise, get more rest. Live a healthier lifestyle. So they’ll just say, well, there’s a pill for that. Here’s it’s X amount of dollars. Get the hell outta my office. It’s supported by your insurance company next. Uh,
Dee Dee:
That’s, and that, that’s what the healthcare system’s pretty much been reduced to. And we can blame everyone is a all we want, but the, the, the blame comes right back on us. It does. Because we make the conscious choice of every day how we’re gonna live our lives. Mm-hmm.
Dee Dee:
<affirmative>, uh, you know, and I’m just gonna throw this example out there too. Uh, recently we had a customer, um, obviously I’m not gonna give names or anything, but on a, on a litany of medications and, um, could not sleep at all. Could not sleep, could not sleep, could not sleep. That’s why she come, came in to see us finally. So we get her help with the sleep. She finally starts sleeping, I mean, multiple calls, multiple times working with this, um, young lady. And then she calls to say that she thinks that the THC is giving her headaches. And it took me a while to get that out of her. Like, cuz she wanted stop it, stop taking the products. And I’m like, why? You’re sleeping now and that’s why you came to see us. Right. She’s like, well now, now I’ve got headaches. And I said, what’s all the other medications that you’re on? And she starts naming a few these. And I said, have you read the side effects from those medications? Mm. You could have heard a pin drop.
Yeah. They’re terrifying. Yeah. A
Dee Dee:
Lot of those. But she was quick to blame the headache on the THC and while maybe there’s, I mean maybe I find it highly unlikely cuz they were not using a huge dose. It, you know what I mean? It wasn’t like, um, they were getting, they were using it recreationally, let’s put it that way.
Or it could have been a combination of a medication she was taking
Dee Dee:
TC together.
Dee Dee:
And that’s what I said. And so she has a doctor’s appointment I think tomorrow and she said she’s gonna call us back. So I, I’m hoping that I do get to talk to her to see what her doctor said about it. Cuz I am really under that firm belief. The one medication that she talked about, one of the side effects is migraines. Sure. So, but she didn’t read those side effects. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because they were doctor prescribed mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that’s what the doctor gave her. And that bugs me because anytime I, if I, if I take a medication, I like to read the effect, the side effects of it.
But I had a, I had a customer come in last week to buy that hydration mm-hmm. <affirmative> and uh, well actually he came in with a migraine mm-hmm. <affirmative> and was kind of a dick. Mm-hmm. But that’s okay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, cuz I could tell dude was in
Dee Dee:
Serious pain and pain.
Yeah. He kept doing the kind of like little circle mm-hmm. <affirmative> walk in a circle, like try to deal with it, which I get. Um, and was having a really hard time deciding on products. So anyway, so I was like, Hey, you know, try the hydration mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it’s 5 99. Right. You know, worst case scenario, you’re out five bucks six
Dee Dee:
Months. Right, right.
Um, so he came in the next day and bought a box and said, and I, I’m not, you know, testifying to to this or anything, but he was like, that is the only thing I’ve ever taken that has helped my migraine like completely go away. And I’ve, I, and I am on some very expensive migraine medications,
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. So. Right.
So yeah. So, you know, you could argue both
Dee Dee:
You, I mean, you
Can and, um, uh, you know, and I said, you know, well it could be the CBD could be the thc, could be the potassium and magnesium that’s in there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, the electrolytes. Maybe you’re not drinking enough water. It could be just a combination of all those things. But, um, yeah.
Dee Dee:
I mean, well, and I, our, I feel like in, in today’s society, our health has taken such a, it, it has been put to the back burner. We’re all so busy. We’re all doing this, we’re all doing that. Taking care of kids, you know, businesses, things, all that stuff that sometimes we don’t focus on our health as much as we should, and
We don’t, we don’t focus on our wellness
Dee Dee:
Yes. On our wellness like we should and our health. Right. I mean, both, um, or even just the self care and just taking the time off and doing things that you want to do and not being stuck wherever it are is you are, which
Is part of wellness.
Dee Dee:
It is. It really is. So, and then, and then even just dealing with the toxicity of other people, sometimes that will, that will make your life a living hell. So I think, uh, to be well-rounded in life, you have to focus on all the good stuff too. And, you know, read the side effects, <laugh>, I mean, yeah. You gotta pay attention to some of that stuff. And you gotta, you know, if your doctor’s only passing you out a pill and not trying to help you, maybe you need to find a new doctor. Um, because there’s more to life than just taking a pill. There really is. And you have to be proactive on your own health, and you have to, um, work on your health and your body and find out what it needs so you can be healthy. So, I mean, that was kind of all I had. I just mostly wanted to talk about that because I have, like, in my head, I always knew that those medications were affecting people, but when this came out and it talked about how it, it just messes with the endocannabinoid system, I was like, oh, mg that makes perfect sense and it’s frightening.
Yeah. So, well, and adding to that, the stifling lack of research about what the endo cannabinoid system actually does mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, coupled with that is even more alarming because we don’t even know mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, what we’re messing with, what we’re fiddling with, and what the long term effects are of depriving ourselves of these chemicals. Whether you wanna refer to the endocannabinoid naturally produced mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, chemicals or the cannabinoids introduced ar well, I I would say artificially, but na for they’re still natural, natural right source, but introduced into the body Right. Are, uh, uh, you know, not made by the body mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, we need to think about that. Seriously. And ultimately it all boils down to the same thing, which we go over on this podcast. Pretty much every podcast is mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it’s about thinking for yourself, you know, uh, your society and the businesses that support it.
And we all want to think that our society is built by our, by the people. No, no, no, no. We’re followers right now. We’re following the marketing that is being presented to us to show us how to live. And they’re smart enough now to make us believe it’s our own thoughts. Hmm. Okay. That’s what we’re doing. And you can decide to do that and just be another consumer. Be another sheep. Or you can think for yourself. Uh, and it’s just that easy. And if you think for yourself, you can start making a difference in your, you can start making a difference in your wellness and not leave it up to companies that are not looking for your be, uh, for your best interest. They’re just looking to capitalize
Dee Dee:
On you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, and even in, even in our industry, that that exists too. Yeah. I mean, it just, especially in our industry mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there’s, there’s a Yeah. Yeah.
<laugh>, there’s more, there’s more people trust me, after secret shopping as much as I’ve done Yeah. There’s more people in our industry that don’t give a shit than do mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it’s disappointing.
Dee Dee:
It is. I mean, that leads you to an, we might have to make that another, uh, episode, but there, there was some stuff that just came out this week about a product, um,
That Yeah. THCL
Dee Dee:
Yeah. That I, that I’ve not carried and we’ve not, we’ve not carried. And I just kind of refuse to and I’m kind of glad I did. Yeah. So, yeah, we’ll talk about that later. But, um, yeah, thanks for listening to us and hopefully you get some answers. Talk to your doctor about statins and if you truly, truly need them. I mean, my thought is, I, I had talked to someone else about this and some people do just have high cholesterol. Does that necessarily mean for sure that it’s gonna lead to heart disease? Have they truly 100% figured that out? Yeah. I don’t know. I mean, I, I still think that some people may be higher on the higher end of things and they’re fine. Yeah. So I, I don’t know. I mean, everybody’s individual and, you know, we all metabolize things differently. We all our bodies all work differently too. Yeah. Even though we’re one race, it’s still, we all still have our own little idiocies within our body. So just know what works for you and know to ask questions.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Idiosyncrasies. Thanks. I told you I can’t pronounce shit
<laugh>. Um, yes. And, uh, do the research for yourself. Uh, unfortunately you can’t just rely on your doctor, uh, cuz your doctor’s gonna rely on your insurance company and your insurance company’s gonna do whatever they want to do. And, uh, I hate to say it, but your insurance companies do not have your health in their mind as their best interest. They have preserving their profits
Dee Dee:
Oh, great. In their
Dee Dee:
Interest. Oh, agree. Succeed
If you don’t do the research yourself, don’t expect anyone else to, cuz they won’t. Right.
Dee Dee:
I will agree with that. Thanks guys. We appreciate you listening. As always, feel free to leave comments and email us, or Oh, definitely follow us on all the social medias. Um, and we appreciate your feedback and, you know, refer a friend. We’re all about that. Share our podcast with them so they can listen. Thanks guys.
See, uh, bye.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
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Dee Dee:
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Dee Dee and Matt:
And keep it happy out there.