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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m dedi. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about him and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to hemp and happiness with the hemp queen
And emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, all you happy hamsters. Thanks again for joining us. Uh, so Matt really doesn’t know what I’m gonna talk about today. I gave him a little preview, but I really didn’t tell him a lot. So, uh, yeah, over the weekend now I’m just gonna dive right into it, Matt. So over the weekend I was with, um, some family members. They came down to spend the weekend with me and we had a fabulous time. I had so much fun with them. I hadn’t hung out with my nephew and probably gosh, good going on probably 18 years. So he’s all grown up now and is a man. And, uh, he made me a really cool, um, he’s a machinist actually and made me a really cool thing with our logo, which I will treasure forever, but we did this fun thing.
Um, we went down to the castle and key distillery in Frankfurt and it was super cool walking around this place. And I know we’re hemp and cannabis, but I’m getting there. Just gimme a minute. But they talked about the backstory and lo and behold, this the original owner, his name was Taylor and it was the Taylor distillery company, way, way back in the like 19 hundreds, like even before prohibition. And he actually had a rail car that would lead people down to his big castle that he built. And it was super neat. Like him, it was almost like going to a sanitorium, like clean. They had windows and everything was clean and his servants were wearing white coats. So it just looked like it was medicinal. And, you know, people were coming there to party their butts off right. And drink his bourbon, which is quite comical cuz you know, he wanted it to be relaxing and even almost made this like a bathhouse for people to chill out with by the spring cuz it’s by the spring, it’s a really neat little tour.
I actually really enjoyed it and I am not a drinker at all whatsoever. Um, occasional glass of wine here and there, but those partying days are like college. Um, I don’t like the way I feel later when I drink alcohol cuz to me it is poison. Um, but this kind of brings me to one how prohibition changed things as far as alcohol goes and how prohibition with cannabis has happened all these years. Right. How they’ve just completely, um, destroyed things. But I just wanted to throw out a few fun facts. The amount of deaths from alcohol use in the United States is insane. There’s more than 140,000 people that die from excessive alcohol use. Did you know that?
Does that include car accidents?
Dee Dee:
Yeah, it does include car accidents. Yes.
Okay. I’m surprised that it almost sounds low.
Dee Dee:
Well, that’s just one year. Do you know what I mean? Right. So yeah, that’s just one year, one year now worldwide. Guess how many,
5 million
Dee Dee:
Close three, 3 million people die every year from some sort of alcohol abuse, whether it’s through car accidents, whether it’s from drinking themselves to death. Um, but yeah, that’s a shit ton amount of people that die from this stuff. So why is it legal? <laugh> I mean, why is alcohol legal when cannabis is illegal in some states, most states and most countries it’s illegal and yet no one has truly, truly died from cannabis use.
Yeah. Well there’s not been an economic interest that alcohol interfered with. Alcohol’s been the economic interest
Dee Dee:
And maintaining itself is the economic interest. So that’s why exactly. I mean our listeners, I like to think our listeners are the upper echelon yes. Of, of, of the free thinking public or Republic in which we live in. Yes. Um, so I think they know why.
Dee Dee:
Oh, I’m sure they know
Why? Um, but it is pretty ridiculous that that’s so out in the
Dee Dee:
Open, um, it is extremely ridiculous. I mean, to per I mean you, you see alcohol commercials all the time and then you hear of people like, well I’m, I’m, I’m sober free now for this many years from alcohol because it was killing me and it was, you know, doing damage to my relationships, um, you know, alcoholism in general and how much and how much damage that does to families. And just, just in general, mind you, but it was kind of funny how at that, um, castle key place, I mean, it was all about the party, right? It was all about the party. So when I started kind of thinking about what I wanted to do for this episode, um, while yes, I give you some of those statistics of the, of the alcohol. I think my next goal, I kind of want my own little, like, I wanna do a cannabis distillery, like do a little tour. I think it’d be so much
Fun. You do a, a, like a Heart distiller.
Dee Dee:
I know, right? A hemp distillery.
You can’t distill. I
Dee Dee:
Know I can’t do
Cannabis cannabis. Well, and also you can’t mix cannabis and alcohol. It’s super illegal and it’s actually really bad for
Dee Dee:
You. It is really bad for you, but you can do it.
I mean, you can do it and have an awesome time. You
Dee Dee:
Can. I, I, but you know what though? My own experience. Okay. So one time we were with some girls, it was a girls’ girls’ weekend. It was a fun little trip. I mean, we were just hanging out at home, but all the girls came over and I had way too much alcohol. And then they’re like, Ooh, let’s smoke joints. And I’m like, well, okay, we’re all partying. Sure. Why not? I got sicker than a dog. I did not like that. I did not like mixing the two. I was all woozy. It was awful. It was not a good experience for me. So I have never mixed the 2 cents. If I have a glass of wine, then I don’t do anything else. Or if I have, um, cannabis, then I don’t do the wine. I just, I do not like mixing the two at all. It was not, not cool, but you know, it is,
I plead the fifth <laugh>
Dee Dee:
I know this is all been years later, so I can’t get myself
In trouble. He’s talking about himself. You talk away.
Dee Dee:
I know, right
Now, I’m pleading the fifth.
Dee Dee:
You plead the fifth,
Go ahead. Actually, you were at my house last week. I know. So if you know exactly
Cooking with Cannabis
Dee Dee:
What I do, how well, you know, we hang out outside of work too. Because he has a pool. No, plus he cooks good food, but anyway, um, but the one thing I was gonna, I wanted to bring up is cooking with cannabis.
Dee Dee:
Right. Yeah. So that is super, super fun. And I want to get into it more because I’d like to make more edibles. I’m not granted ours will have to be hemp edibles, but still, I mean there’s a lot of benefits and we’ve talked about this in other shows
Now it will.
Dee Dee:
That doesn’t mean in the future.
Dee Dee:
I know. I know. Right? Well, and because you and I have talked about it, edibles are healthier than smoking.
Oh a hundred percent.
Dee Dee:
A hundred percent. So why not learn how to cook with cannabis? I think it is just fascinating. There’s so many things you can do. Like besides, I mean everybody’s heard of, oh God, I got some brownies from my friend. Y’all be careful with that. You don’t know how much cannabis is in that and it can wreck your day. Yeah. You don’t wanna be too much. And then you, you’re not enjoying yourselves.
Well, and that’s the problem with homemade edibles is even if you’re really good, um, it’s hard to regulate the milligrams. It is like you can in, you know, more of a lab setting. Yes. Um, where you can specifically get a gummy, you know, like our ultra spectrum. Yes. It has a very specific blend of cannabinoids. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and a very specific blend of comp compliant. THC. Yes. Which you know, is, is enough
Dee Dee:
And they
Don’t taste too bad, necessarily recreational mm-hmm <affirmative> so that’s the only caveat to edibles, but yes, they’re delicious and fun. Yeah. And you have to be really careful to keep ’em away from children as
Dee Dee:
Well. You do. That’s that’s the other thing, of course, course you gotta
Course a free thinking responsible person <laugh> you know? Yes. Of course. Childproof container top
shelf. Yes.
Dee Dee:
Oh for sure.
Think, think, think,
Dee Dee:
Okay. But if you go back to cooking with cannabis and how you could make that into a party, I mean, I don’t know if, if y’all ever watch vice news or vice the vice channel, they’ve got like Bon Aite. They’ve got so many, um, weed cooking shows on there and they’re actually, it’s pretty neat to watch some of that stuff cuz it’s, it’s not like you can just do that here in Kentucky, per se. Um, legally anyway. And it’s not like you can make real, real edibles that have all the THC in them. I mean, granted, you can still get a good healthy dose. So you really,
From him, you want that though. I
Dee Dee:
Meaning some people do. Yeah. I mean some people do. I think some people would much rather do that than drink alcohol.
Yes. But even that there’s still a limit, you know? Like there’s,
Dee Dee:
I mean there’s how
Much THC you want to consume.
Dee Dee:
Well, yeah, but the good thing about that is, I mean, even if you consume too much TC and you are definitely feeling the effects, it wears off
It does, you
Dee Dee:
Know what I mean? Eventually
It does, but you’re still, it’s the same thing as like, oh, why are you taking a shot? Oh, cause I want to fast forward to the embarrassing part of the evening. Like let’s not have fun like
Dee Dee:
That. Those are your drinks
Dee Dee:
Really strong. Those are your
Drinks. My drinks are awesome. Yeah. I think that some more I, well, I, I think that that appropriate preparer of edibles knows how strong they are.
Dee Dee:
And I,
Dee Dee:
It is a science. I do. It’s a science.
I do believe it as a science. And I think that if you’re sharp, if you can keep your edibles to 20 to 30 milligrams of serving, oh you’re in good shape.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. But I can’t even do that much. We all know that I’m a lightweight and it cracks everybody up because I cannot do a lot of THC at once.
Well, and again, if, if you’re in a, if you’re doing this in a legal state, just wanna qualify that. Correct. Cause we’re not advocating any illegal activity.
Dee Dee:
No. And I’m talking about cooking with hemp products too, right?
Yeah. Right. You wanna know?
Dee Dee:
You do. You wanna know the strength of the, of, of what you’re reducing.
Dee Dee:
Well, and not even that in my research, you, you wanna know what type it is. I mean, what’s the terpene profile in it because if you add something to the butter, if you’re making cannabis butter or hemp butter, whatever you wanna call it, I just use cannabis in general. Cuz it is the form of the plant. Right.
Mm-hmm <affirmative>
Dee Dee:
THC levels aside, but you gotta know what the terpene profile is because if you use that cannabis butter, and it’s super rich in terpenes, that stuff you make might not taste so good. Right. Because TA tampons, oh my God, terpene. I don’t know where the hell that came from. Sorry, terpenes.
She says the sub customers at the store.
Dee Dee:
I do not. I do not. Um, but terpenes, some of them are really nasty flavored. I mean, it’s gross. Like you get too terpene, richest stuff and you’re like, and when you’re baking with it, you don’t wanna eat a cookie that tastes like, like GJA ass.
Yeah. I agree. I agree. So, you know, and also, um, you, you really have to ask yourself, are you gonna leave the byproduct in just the, the, the biomass in the butter or the oil? Or are you gonna, are you gonna filter it out?
Dee Dee:
You you’re, you are supposed to filter it
Out. Right. But why, if you’re making something chocolate based that you’re not gonna taste, it’s the same thing as adding vegetables, it’s fiber. And as long as it’s NA all naturally grown and doesn’t have pesticides, which is another thing you need to be.
Dee Dee:
Oh, you do
Gotta be aware of that when you’re, when you’re purchasing flour in a legal situation, mm-hmm <affirmative> you need to know where it’s coming from. Just like, you need to know where your CBDs coming from
Dee Dee:
For sure.
Uh, cuz if there’s pesticides in there,
Dee Dee:
Well, yeah, you don’t want that shit pesticides.
Yeah. But I think that leaving that in is a nice little bit of fiber in your diet. And if, if, and if it’s chocolate, you’ll never taste it. It won’t taste any different. Mm. If you do it correctly mm
Dee Dee:
I’ve tasted some hemp chocolate where it was like the pieces and stuff in it. And it was disgusting. But
If it’s finally grounds, think
Dee Dee:
It’s a local brand.
Yeah. Those girls. Yeah. It, if it’s finally ground,
Dee Dee:
I Nope. Not even finally ground man.
Agree to. We’re gonna agree to disagree
Dee Dee:
To you, I agree. And you tell me, oh, you Cray, Cray. You eat some weird shit though, too on your diet. So
That’s weird. You mean delicious and healthy.
Dee Dee:
I don’t know about that. Mm-hmm moving all. It’s
Continue with your tail
Dee Dee:
Moving on. But what I was gonna tell the listeners is that there are some actual cannabis cooking classes you can take. So there’s a cannabis training university. So I thought that was pretty cool. I might have to sign up. Wow. I might have to sign up. So it literally goes through the step by step of how to create the butter. Even just using hemp products, right? The low THC products, you can still make the same things with it and make that kind of stuff in it. But it’s, it, it goes through the steps on how to do all of that stuff. And I, I don’t know. I think it’d be kind of cool because one day, one day hashtag goals, um, I would love to have my own, um, cannabis store that just does edibles and I mean, fun edibles. I like to bake. I love to bake and I like to make people happy. And I did that over the weekend too.
So, you know, I bet a flower was legal in Kentucky. Sullivan would be all over
Dee Dee:
That. Oh for sure. Cause they’re all culinary delights,
Culinary, uh, cute, like unique culinary stuff. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I bet that would
Dee Dee:
Happen. Yep. You know there’s but there’s things that like this, um, school will teach you, like you want to cook cannabis on low heat. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like, you don’t want things on high heat. It can just totally mess with the whole profile of it. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and I think that’s, that’s important. I think that’s kind of cool though, that they, this is a, almost like a new industry that’s coming about is how to cook with cannabis and, and hip in general too. Um, but I just, I think it’s something that people like and enjoy and you don’t have the hangovers the next day, like you would at a, um, like a party with alcohol. Sure. Well, you know what I mean? So cannabis parties they’re, they are happening all over and more people are getting involved in it. Now the one thing you do not wanna do is do that, put cannabis in food and not tell the people that are consuming it. Right. That is horribly wrong. Right. And I think that just happened at a wedding. Not too long ago, I heard the bride and the, um, cater do something like that. And then her guests were like, livid. I could not imagine doing something like that. Like really? Yeah, yeah. That wasn’t too long ago. Mm-hmm <affirmative>
Yeah, I was at, I was at a wedding once with a very rural, uh,
Dee Dee:
C moon
Shine section mm-hmm <affirmative> of, of the wedding party. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and the, uh, the bride requested, uh, sushi as the meal. Ooh. And I saw this good old boy slap a spoonful of wasabi on his plate, like thinking it was some kind of mashed potato or something. Oh. To spoon out of it before anybody could do anything. And I mean, I’d never seen anything. I’d never seen overalls
Dee Dee:
Run so fast. No,
That’s not, not to pick on, you know, people from rural backgrounds that don’t have access to sushi, but it was, it was very fun. And I could see that, you know, I’m not
Dee Dee:
A sushi
Fan, so I know you’re not. It’s delicious.
Dee Dee:
Nope. You one, I can’t eat, earn
You’d like it, if it had GJA on
Dee Dee:
I don’t even know about that.
A GJA roll
Dee Dee:
<laugh> but that’s an idea. Yeah.
Nope. Nori my ass.
Dee Dee:
We are cooperating with all of this so nobody can steal our ideas. <laugh>
I’m sure there’s someone out there that’s replaced Nori with shredded me or shredded, uh, cannabis leaf,
Dee Dee:
If not, I’m sure somebody has. I mean, I’ve seen things like, um, where they even just fry the, the actual leaf part of it and eat that.
What’s your, what’s your favorite apple?
Dee Dee:
What’s my favorite? Oh, chocolates.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Chocolates are cookies. Uh, those are, I think those are just easy to eat and they taste good. Um, I think, um, and you gotta make it like a good serving size without a high amount of THC in it. Do you know what I mean? So you, that’s the one thing I don’t like about current edibles.
Yeah. They’re too strong. Yeah. I think the lower THC, you
Dee Dee:
Only have one eighth of the, well, fuck, I want the whole cookie,
The, and, and you know, the problem, have
Dee Dee:
Have you seen me? I need the whole
Cookie and, and not to pick on the cannabis industry, but one problem that they’re having is the, the, the really nice flowers they’re making really, really high in THC and really, really low in C
Dee Dee:
That ain’t the cannabis of the, of the yes or years folks.
Well, but hopefully kind of when all this starts to shuffle down, people will realize, uh, a more cannabinoid, rich profile is healthier. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um,
Dee Dee:
Consume it’s it’s way healthier to consume
And, and, you know, preferably eaten over
Dee Dee:
Smoked. Yeah. And not even necessarily eating, um, um, edibles to get high, really, even for the health benefits of it too. Right. I mean, that’s,
Which is why I leave the, exactly the biomass in for the, for the, ah, I’m telling you fiber in your diet,
Dee Dee:
You can get fiber in your diet from an apple.
You can, okay. Okay. Okay. It’s not the same kind of
Dee Dee:
Fiber. Well, I mean,
Are you familiar with the fibers? I am. And there’s tons of protein
Dee Dee:
Still in it too. I know. I know. I know.
I know. And the seeds,
Dee Dee:
Yes. The seeds are very, very, very healthy for you. And you can add those to any, almost anything, a good watermelon salad with some Hep seed. I had that there was actually, um, a few years ago it was part of Sullivan and Farmington. They did a, um, a hip dinner and, uh, John and I actually sponsored it and it was phenomenal. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, I mean that he even used like the hip extract in some of the oil for the salad, they had this, like he had this like watermelon and hemp seed. It was truly a delicious dinner. And it was so nutritious because of the hemp that was added into it. I mean, it was good. I definitely think that incorporating some of the hemp products and I mean, we even have a, um, um, uh, oh gosh, olive oil and, um, oh yeah, the coconut oil mm-hmm <affirmative> that has the CBD right in it that you can actually use for cooking and I’ve made some great Frieders out of that coconut oil. I mean, it was really good. So there’s just so many different things you can do to
Wait to keep it healthy DEI.
Dee Dee:
I know, right. That’s my guilty pleasure. I
Miss, oh, I can fry this Fri.
Dee Dee:
Yep. You can fry it. But I truly do believe that the more that cannabis comes legalized throughout the country, that you’re gonna see more and more edible stores like that pop up. And I think it’s, um, good to start learning about that kind of stuff now, and that way you’re doing it. Right.
So do all these recipes involve reducing the, the flour or the biomass down to an oil or
Dee Dee:
Butter. Most of them are boy or a butter
Or butter. Yeah. And then you add the butter to the dish. Yeah. Yeah. So are you running into any recipes where you just put the flour directly in?
Dee Dee:
I, yeah, I did find a couple. Um, but again, I don’t think that’s the preferred method, unfortunately. It’s
Not. I agree. Well, and, and isn’t there something you, I am, you are gonna know this better than me, but where you heat to a very specific temperature, because like you said, boiling, it will actually evaporate, you know, it doesn’t, it
Dee Dee:
Doesn’t necessarily evaporate, but it alters the chemical compound
In it. Right. Like the THCA.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Yeah. You wanna keep it? I, and, and, um, I don’t remember the exact amount for how long, but there are certain, um, certain heating points that you do not want to bring cannabis to. Right. And that’s, that’s what some of these little schools are pretty good about teaching and yeah, it’d be, it would not surprise me soon that Sullivan would have a class in that. Not at all. I think that would be awesome. That
Would be,
Dee Dee:
Yeah. For, and there you go. I know. Right. Mm-hmm
<affirmative> and you’re on your way.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. <laugh> so, anyway, I think that you can cook with cannabis and have a good time and, and there’s no known deaths from cannabis overdoses. Right. So that’s the one thing, like bringing that all back home as to what is legal, what isn’t legal and how many people have died from alcohol. And, um, now granted, can you, and we’ve talked about this before too. Can you become addicted to marijuana? I don’t know about addiction truly. I think you can use too much of it and maybe from a bad habit of it where you don’t necessarily need it. And you’re just using it to get high and to escape reality. That’s always, you can do that with anything, with anything you can use too much of something if you’re using it to escape reality.
Yes. But, you know, yes. The, the, the anandamide yes. Replacement is, is specific to, to THC. Sure. And I, I do agree. I do agree with that. You know, you, you have to, I think that people should use THC to get them to a place where they can cope. Yeah. They shouldn’t use THC to replace coping and, and escape.
Dee Dee:
I agree.
The issue you have, you have to deal with your issues. We have to deal with our issues.
Dee Dee:
Well, of course, but I do think cannabis helps somewhat deal with some of those issues.
Oh, I do. And I think, you know,
Dee Dee:
Way healthier than alcohol,
I was actually listening to a guru speak the other day about, and I’m, I’ll say tell this story quick. Okay. Um, anandamide in, in, in, in the brain and, and how proper yoga, uh, releases adequate anandamide to get you to a, I believe it, them very similar state, um, of participating in, uh, consumption of cannabis. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, but, and, and here’s what’s interesting to me as someone who’s, you know, studying meditation. And even though I suck at yoga, I enjoy it. Um, until you have that enhanced mixed experience, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you kind of don’t know what you’re going for. So it’s almost like you have to get there if you get there synthetically, not even synthetically, but you, you know, what the experience should be like, and then it helps your brain map out the revisitation of that.
Dee Dee:
Well, I’m just saying one time, a few times I have done something like a piece of our CBD little spectrum, hip extract, chocolate mm-hmm <affirmative> and then did yoga. And it was fabulous.
Did Delta eight or the, no, the chocolate
Dee Dee:
Actually just the CBD chocolate. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. That’s interesting too. No, when I do Delta eight, I just wanna, I just wanna veg in a couch
And what’s and laugh. Well, what’s interesting about that to me, is that the whole thing with the cortical stimulation and CBD, and does that then also help the brain release or, or figure out how to release those chemicals? Cause you’re releasing those chemicals on your
Dee Dee:
Own. You are, but I tell you what, I just felt so much less stressed. Does that make sense? Yeah. Like truly, like I, like, I’m not mm. Piece at one, you know, piece of one, but, or, um, whatever it is. Um,
But I, I don’t believe in all that, um, shit.
Dee Dee:
I know, but I, I truly did feel peaceful and, and I got a good workout in, do you know what I mean? So I do a little bit more of the power yoga, more so than I do the, um, the slow flow type stuff, but it was, it was still, it, it will, it got me outta my head.
Well, and that’s two different types of yoga there. ISS there’s like workout yoga, and then there’s yoga for meditation to separate. Yeah. Uh, from the moment all good itself.
Dee Dee:
And they’re all good.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. They’re all. I, I wouldn’t,
Dee Dee:
You know, I love yoga. I’m such a, I mean, I, I don’t wanna call myself a yoga cuz it’s been a while since I have practiced, but I love yoga and I love the cannabis side with the yoga to it too.
But I almost think there should be a delineation between like the power yoga there and then the, there is, and then the, the yoga mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, and I, I apologize for the listeners that are probably gonna write in, tell me I mispronounced the shit out of that. Um, but there’s a difference
Dee Dee:
There. Well, and there’s many different yoga instructors in what they teach and what they, I mean, it it’s, it’s fascinating if we’re going down the yoga route,
I’m sorry, we’re going down the edible route. We were, but well, we still are, but, but yeah,
Dee Dee:
But I, I just thought it was kind of cool to, you know, all those parties that they had before prohibition and then how prohibition and this alcohol prohibition, how it changed all of that. And then, you know, you had all those speakeasies and then all of a sudden that’s kind of what we’re seeing in our generation is how cannabis was a prohibition in prohibition for so long. And now it’s just slowly starting to come around and we’re trying to end this war on drugs. And I think it’s just, it’s, it’s fascinating to me all these new industries that are coming out of the, the ending of this prohibition era. So I think there’s a lot of room for, um, new products on the market, new things. And you just need to be able to be educated about what you’re doing. And I think that’s where some of these cooking classes and I mean, even just watching the, um, the vice channels and stuff, where they talk about the cooking stuff, I think it’s, it’s just fascinating, cuz I, I love to feed people. I love to see them happy with food. Um, and I think that was the fun part that we had of our weekend. Even though I’m gonna pay for that at the gym this week. But um, we enjoyed ourselves, you know what I mean? And it, and we just, we, we, we all enjoyed it and there may have been some THC stuff going on over the weekend, but I mean all the legal stuff,
Federally compliant, hemp
Dee Dee:
Based, always, um, yeah,
Nothing wrong with that.
Dee Dee:
No. And I, and I, and, and I think it was, it just brings a little bit of fun and fun stuff into whatever it is you’re wanting to do. So, and because people always bring alcohol for fun. I mean, I see no reason why people can’t bring cannabis for fun too. So just learn how to do it correctly. And don’t, um, don’t give it to people that don’t know that you’re giving ’em that. So as far as the edibles go well.
Yeah, well, and it’s the same. We keep coming back to the same thing. People need to think for themselves. They do and, and be smart. Make good choices, always,
Dee Dee:
Ask yourself, is this a smart choice? If the answer is no, don’t
Dee Dee:
Do it. <laugh> right.
Learn from your mistakes. Always
Dee Dee:
Learn from your mistakes,
But don’t live in the past.
Dee Dee:
No, definitely not. I think it’s good where, where we are going as a country and ending the war on drugs and, and getting cannabis legal in all, hopefully 50 states and federally and all that stuff. So one, one day I see it being a lot more mainstream. I mean, I’m, I’m, I’m happy that we at least do have hint products here in Kentucky and hopefully we can get that changed. So we have medical marijuana for the people that truly need that higher THC form of THC. Um, I am glad we at least have the hemp products. So, you know, you can look at it one way in Kentucky and look at it in another. And I’m at least grateful that we have something because you know,
I think that the products that we have are wonderful. Oh, they are. And I, I love that we’re coming. I, I, I mean, it sounds weird, but I love that we’re coming in the way we’re coming in with edibles. Mm-hmm <affirmative> instead of flour, because smoking is bad for you. We’ve we established that in a previous podcast we
Dee Dee:
And hang on is bad for you. I know you’re consuming,
Dee Dee:
But people love to smoke,
Man. Yeah. Well, people do. People love to do a lot of things. I know, but people love heroin.
Dee Dee:
Oh dude. We’re not going
There. Well, I mean, it’s bad for the bottom line. Smoking’s bad for you. I know. Is it as bad as doing heroin? No. Is it bad? Yes. But are you putting, uh, free radicals in your body cancer causing tart? Yes.
Dee Dee:
But if we’re gonna call the cost, talk about smoking and being illegal, then why the hell are cigarettes still legal?
Agreed? Uh, 100%. You should have the choice, but what should
Dee Dee:
The choice? Well, what I’m
Dee Dee:
Hemp cigarettes or tobacco cigarettes and I’m sorry, but hemps cigarettes should be legal.
Agreed. Thank you. Let’s but on that same subject, we’re coming in at edibles, we’re coming in with a allowable amount of THC that isn’t over the top and other cannabinoids, which is to my, in my opinion, I, I, I like the idea of an, of a, of a cannabinoid, rich, edible, over a knock. You upside your head TA edible all day long.
Dee Dee:
I completely, and 100% agree. And when I’m talking about edibles in general, I’m because we are only a hemp state. I am talking about him, people just so you know,
I’m not,
Dee Dee:
Well, I know, but I mean, when I’m talking
About, there are legal states,
Dee Dee:
There are legal states and we do have people in other states,
Listen to us. I think we’re legally allowed to talk about cooking cannabis. I would
Dee Dee:
So. Uh, as long as we don’t actually do it on the show, well,
Dee Dee:
Yeah, no,
Have some really good, uh, whatever,
Dee Dee:
But, to back up that whole smoking thing, you know what bugs me about this state though, the fact that anybody can get online and order hemp cigarettes from another state and be delivered right to ’em now, is it legal for them to smoke them? I don’t see anything in the car that says it is only if you sell it. So that’s the one thing that pisses me off about that.
Yes. But if you get caught smoking one of those,
Dee Dee:
Like yeah, but it it’s
Hemp. I understand. But you’re still gonna have a fight on your hands. It’s still gonna cost you money. Are you? Yes. And it will be a pain in the ass.
Dee Dee:
I mean, I,
If you get the wrong cop on the wrong day,
Dee Dee:
Well, yeah, maybe because then he’ll say it’s marijuana, but I
Mean, looking, looking right at, because it’s all about the revenue. They’re looking to write a ticket. Yes. And you’re still gonna pay the legal fees. You’re still gonna go to court.
Dee Dee:
True. But it just, it, sometimes I feel like we are still back asswards in this state
Because we are,
Dee Dee:
I know,
But that’s infuriating. So, but sometimes that can lead to good things. I know. Right. We have to be positive. We do. And that, and that’s what I was saying. Like we’re kind of coming in bass backwards, right. With the, with the way, you know, but now you’re on the, the, uh, the council mm-hmm <affirmative> for the committee, the committee for medical marijuana, medical cannabis for medical cannabis. Mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah.
Dee Dee:
Racist words.
I, it actually says marijuana on the, on the thing that does the say cannabis says cannabis, are you sure? Betcha? I’m pretty sure I saw one that said MMJ,
Dee Dee:
I use MMJ a lot.
Okay. Well you should stop because
Dee Dee:
Medical, that marijuana medical,
That acronym ANC says medical cannabis. Mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> I know medical, Mari cannabis.
Dee Dee:
Me, me medical, me cannabis. Yeah. Anyway, that was kind of really, all I wanted to talk about was that you can have fun with edibles. Just like you can have fun with alcohol
Mm-hmm <affirmative> you still have be
Dee Dee:
Responsible. Exactly. Be responsible, be irresponsible all for crying out loud,
But have fun and enjoy your life. Exactly.
Dee Dee:
So, and that,
That was about it. And then the immortal words of Bob Marley, they couldn’t tell God it’s not legal.
Dee Dee:
Mm, that’s true. Mm-hmm
<affirmative> so think on that.
Dee Dee:
That’s right. Thanks again, everybody for listening to us, make sure you follow us on all the socials we are out there and, uh, very loud and proud about, um, what we do for a living. And obviously if you have questions about anything that we talk about in our shows, please reach out to us. But, uh, you know, the drill man, keep it hippy out there. Thanks for joining us for another episode
Matt and Dee Dee:
Of hemp and happiness with the hemp queen. And Emper keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff and keep it, he out there.