How does CBD help with Autism?

With recent and ongoing discoveries involving the relationship of CBD and the Endocannabinoid System in humans, it is often asked if CBD could help those suffering from Autism. While it is important to mention that the FDA currently prohibits any official declarations on the effects of CBD, according to Project CBD, and many others, it does! While we continue to learn & study these benefits here is what we know about Autism and CBD.

How does CBD help with Autism?

Our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) helps to regulate our body’s homeostasis. Research suggests that people with Autism, find much-needed relief by using CBD oil. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has many different traits and the spectrum describes how severe those traits are. Some people with autism suffer from sensory overload, while others suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, sleep disorders, or even epilepsy. They can be non-verbal or can cause self-harm.

There are many stories of parents giving their child CBD oil and report watching a transformation happen. Whether it is a calming effect or the ability to focus and stop self-harming. CBD seems to be helping!

For more information check out this study

502 Hemp Wellness Center is an Autism Friendly Business

If you know someone suffering from ASD, please let them or their parents know that we are here to help. We understand and will work with the customer to find the best product for their needs. CBD Oil is not a one size fits all type of product. It takes time and we are here to help. Quality and knowledge matter when purchasing CBD products. 502 Hemp is here to help. For more education check out this blog

Autistm friendly business Initiative

Join us in supporting FEAT

Outrunning Autism 5K is June 5th. Would you like to run/walk with us? We have limited tickets available. Reach out to us at [email protected] and we will send you the information in order to sign up. First come first serve.